Korean Community

Oakland Korean Nursing home is specialized for Korean seniors – a warm home away from home.

It is a pleasure for our Oakland Family to announce our new Korean program. Our Korean nursing home will help our residents feel in a familiar and personalized environment like their home and community. We are located in Oakland, NJ, in Bergen County. We are a professional skilled nursing facility with experienced Korean employees who are always available to ensure that all tenants live comfortably and warmly like they are used to. We take pride in delivering an unparalleled resident experience, with an emphasis on maintaining our residents’ dignity, independence and self-respect.

Our series of clinical service includes:

Our program offers:

For Short-term rehabilitation and long-term nursing care, we take care of Korean-American seniors with love and sincere care as our own parents in a “comfortable environment like home” and our well-trained staff treats each individual as a dear relative.

If you are interested in getting more information about our Korean Program, please contact us:

Phone number: 201-978-2638 (Korean) / 973-835-3781

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